I think combining your knowledge and understanding of technology and science AND your bent toward philosophy is just what an OpenAI company needs. They need to be considering these important questions and not everyone understands both in the way that you do.

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Thanks for the Christmas movie recommendation! I think my Santa hat can stay on another day or two!

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AI definitely needs a better philosophical "subtitle". As a technology that cannot exceed its inputs, I don't yet see it as intelligence. One day maybe it will be able to create new things the way that humans do rather than mashing together inputs in often awkward ways. I'm hopeful that the supercomputing aspect can actually find some needles in the haystack of the mass of human knowledge, especially in medicine, government and law. Meanwhile you certainly have to take AI output with a bit of scepticism. I have caught ChatGPT "making things up" a number of times, and while it can be funny, it notches the tool downard in usefulness.

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